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The last one, Dr Leo Schrutt, has switched off the light at "wee". We are switching it on again!

The "wee" brand was omnipresent at times. Especially in ice hockey - with sponsorships with the Tölzer Löwen, the Lausitzer Füchse, EHC Redbull München and Deggendorfer SC. (Picture credits: Presentation wee, Facebook)

The mouse bites off every thread: Not only are all companies in the wee Group owned by former majority shareholder Cengiz Ehliz now bankrupt, but the largest "wee distributor", the MPM Group, led by Mirko Scheffler, has also raised the white flag and filed for insolvency. Michael Scheibe's COOINX has somehow completely disappeared.

And the various successor companies to "wee", such as Fintech Payment Solutions AG, which wanted to launch the Juna-Pay payment system with acquired "wee" technology,

have also completely disappeared. The big bang in the "wee orbit" shredded an estimated 150 million euros of investor funds. The blueprint of "wee", the FPS, could lose millions more euros of invested capital. We don't want to wish it. But: bet that...?

Almost all the protagonists of the "wee fiasco" seem to be carrying on in good humour under a new flag as they left off. Only the names and projects change. Always with the same goal: to acquire investor funds, whatever the cost.

"The market for "wee" seems limitless, because the potential is 5 billion real fans out of 7.6 billion people worldwide, whose daily lives are becoming increasingly digital."

(Oliver Kaiser, former Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Sports & Entertainment division of "wee", on the occasion of the weeArena Summit 2019).

The three of us, Tilmann Meuser, Rainer Röbke and Richard Schaurich, are among the 20,000 or so investors who, like you, we suspect have been cheated. When buying shares, "performance packages" and tokens. No more fun: we won't put up with it!

Despite all the objectivity and necessary calculation in this serious matter, there is of course always an element of emotion involved. In our case, this was negative... But that's exactly why we are motivated to the tips of our hair. All three of us have worked our butts off for years to realise the "wee goals". Loyal, serious, uncompromising! Until we realised that we were being used, exploited. For some at the top of the "wee organisation", all that money seems to have clouded their brains at some point... Motto: Greed eats brains!

Rainer Röbke worked in sales at Flexkom, Flexcom and MPM International until mid-2020 and was ultimately responsible for sales in the old federal states.

A pioneer! He helped to successfully build up the sales organisation and put his heart and soul into making his home region of Allgäu a "wee" showcase region with the "wee love Allgäu" project.

Tilmann Meuser started as a crisis consultant at "wee" at the end of 2016, initially solving the problem of negative reporting about "wee", which was linked to blackmail, then successfully built up the non-existent, international corporate communications and was responsible for PR and marketing at the beginning of 2020. He set a milestone with the idea, conception and implementation of the Europe-wide "wee- love campaigns". This campaign was recognised as one of the best in the world at the Loyalty Awards in London. Unfortunately, that didn't help!

Richard Schaurich, a financial advisor like Rainer Röbke, was appointed by the external sales partner to a board position in a Swiss company.

Tilmann Meuser and Richard Schaurich were not the only ones to realise as early as mid-2019 that things were going wrong in the "wee cosmos", continuously and emphatically pointing this out... In the following early summer, during the first coronavirus crisis, the two then submitted a sustainable restructuring plan to Cengiz Ehliz, which had been worked out over months at their own expense together with a renowned management consultancy. Together with the sales managers, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the visionary and the two of them, the continuous, overarching jour fixe meetings were introduced as face-to-face events with the aim of tackling the root of the obvious problems and solving them directly. At the suggestion of Meuser and Schaurich, a strategy board was set up for this purpose.

"We have raised 35 million euros to date. Friends and family. People who trust us."

(Dr Leo Schrutt, former Chairman of the Board of Directors of various Swiss companies in the "wee Group" on the status of sales activities at the ICO, on the occasion of the market launch of "wee" in Styria in December 2019).

The foggy vision of the founder should finally be realised through concrete concepts and measures. However, without fake news resulting from incorrectly supplied information and the constant proclamation of rose-coloured slogans from distributors. This new direction would have worked if the majority vote in this "elephant round" in favour of the reorientation had not been stubbornly overturned under pressure from the sales leaders. Pure egotism! Because there would have been no room for "old sinecures" and multi-level marketing as before in the reorganisation. Meuser was dismissed immediately, and two weeks later Schaurich suffered the same fate. The motto of the remaining five: "We'll carry on as before - just under a different flag!"

In the summer of 2020, Richard Schaurich took over as Managing Director of the three Munich-based GmbHs with full commitment, despite understandable deep reservations. He was promised a lot, lied about a lot and kept very little.

After the books were audited, the chaos became clear: various financial and organisational landmines had been deliberately hidden by his predecessors, which could not possibly have been defused as initially planned. If Schaurich had been played with open cards, he would never have been persuaded to take on these risky board functions.

Meuser had to run after his money for months with the support of a lawyer in order to get at least part of it. After the necessary bankruptcies, Schaurich was made to pay for the mistakes of the past that others had brought upon him. And Röbke suffered collateral damage with "wee love Allgäu" because promises made by MPM and "wee" were not even remotely honoured. That's why the three of us are crystal clear: we can't change what happened. But with the knowledge we have today, we feel morally obliged to take action against it. Our actions are based exclusively on usable facts and no longer have any room for emotions.

"I have secured 100 million weeTokens from my private coffers for COOINX sales partners. These can be issued as a gift if the sales partner realises the corresponding goals in their career plan."

(Michael Scheibe, still CEO of COOINX S.A., in August 2018, who, according to his own statement, guaranteed this with EUR 10 million from his property assets).

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